Download DFPSlayer and place it in the same folder you extracted the MKX Coalesced Extract & Repack Download MKX Coalesced Extract & Repack and extract it into a folder of your choice Sometimes trying to find the error is difficult when you are not used to handling these files, so repeating the process will help you memorize the way to do it and find the previous error. My tip is, go back to the original files and see if the game works normally then redo the whole process step by step. SUB-ZERO PC wrote:i cant play games with this method i select the character and while selecting the stage it crashes i already installed asimk11 and changed it values any help ?
#How to use creamapi how to
This is link to picture how to do step by step Put the coalesced in your config folder but make backup first coalesced! Now open game! It should crash because the files changed! You can use the asi by thetiny to make it not crash but make sure you update the setting of asi! Now you can play any character you unlock! If you want rain choose CHAR_Rain instead of mileena and you can play rain ! You can play shao kahn and also frost without playing story if you want and tutorial. Now save the file and open REPACK! It will make folder output inside is new coalesed. I want to unlock Mileena! so open MK11Game and search for mID=CHAR_Mileena.
Extract the aes tool you just got and make a folder inside called Original and put coalesed ini inside it! Then open EXTRACT and it will make folder for you (extract).

You need to use AES tool to get it! You can download her. Open the coalesced.ini frolder inside config folder. Hi I will tell you how to get any DLC free.